Thursday, April 21, 2011

Who I can't wait to see at NMF '11

Okay, I have spent a lot of time listening, communicating, and researching bands that are playing NMF. Bands in Bold are, in my opinion, well...badass. I actually have just a few more bands to go through, but I think this is pretty much the list. For the reverbnation links go to artist reccomendations>See More. Then click on the band. There are plenty more bands/artists I would love to see, however, I have to make a decision due to time scheduling.

NMF Band Links

NMF Homepage


Crown Imperial

Gentle Art of Floating


Day One

The Neighborhood

Gentle Ghost

The Workweek


Deer People

Horse Thief

Modern Rock Diaries


Brine Webb

The Burning Hotels

The Pretty Black Chains

Native Lights

Jacob Abello

Penny Hill


Audra Mae

Beau Jennings

Zombies vs. Sharks

Junebug Spade

Unmarked Cars

Other Lives

1 comment:

  1. You should for sure check out JUNEBUG SPADE. They are playing all new tunes. I think you might like it.... Just saying :) It will worth your time! Sat 1:30pm outside Opolis Stage.
