First off...It might not be a big deal to some but it is to me. The Gray Man Prophecy went from #110 on the Oklahoma City Reverbnation Alternative Charts to #9 in one week. Like I said to some this is not a big deal but for a guy who did not want to be around much 5 or 6 years ago, couldn't get out of bed, and certainly could not write any music it is a big deal. Lately I've been able to actually sit down and record and write. As soon as I finish recording a song and get all the parts right I'm able to write the lyrics in, at the most, 30 minutes. I'm very grateful that my muse has been so kind and generous lately. I also have to thanks my friends for being so awesome and responsive.
So, I have beaten the resistance lately, as Steven Pressfield calls it. Seriously if you haven't read the "War of Art" you are seriously missing out. The resistance is to the artist as depression is to the individual. I know I have dealt with both for a long time and for the first time in a long time I feel alive and energized by my creativity and being able through my muse, or whatever it is, to be able to succeed.
I have about 8 more songs to go before I actually release part I of my free digital album that will be release only on facebook, and possibly the website, but will be on facebook.
I have prayed for the friends and family who have lost their loved ones due to the tornado activity the last few days. Both the Joplin and Oklahoma storms were awful and it looks like Arkansas and Memphis could get hit tonight.
Last night I had twitter going, a chat on and a live stream going on I have to say twitter is amazing for following weather in Oklahoma. I follow the weather channel and newsok and they provide great updates.
Once again thanks to everyone who has either become a fan on reverbnation, liked The Gray Man Prophecy on Facebook, or have just listened to the music in the last week. You guys have made my day everyday that there are more of you.
Thanks also to the Tehans for being so positive and responsive to "Fincastle, VA." I loved Grandpa very much and I know you guys did too. I have done my best trying to immortalize a man who was so beautiful and dear to all our hearts.
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