Sunday, October 2, 2016

Website and Poetry

This week for class I created a website based on The Garden of Love by William Blake. Please check out Seth's Website for The Garden of Love. I also read The Waste Land and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot. I would have to say that I enjoyed Prufrock more. I felt that the poem could easily be tweaked into a song. The first stanza of the poem reminds me of a song. I think this is why the poem is still popular today. I also read W. B. Yeats' When you are Old and James Joyces' The Dead. The poems and Joyces' short story had very much in common. The common theme to me was that life is too short. Whether it was procrastination or being an unhappy person life is too short to not be happy. I think my favorite out of the 4 works was When you are Old. The poem is about loving someone unconditional. We are all growing to grow old and our looks will fade. Beauty is truly only skin deep. Find someone you connect with that you love spending time with. Find someone who you can work with and truly be a partner with. Who says you can't learn from literature?

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